Raw skill data saved in actor.system.skills

interface SkillInfo {
    ability: "str" | "dex" | "con" | "int" | "wis" | "cha";
    acp: boolean;
    background?: boolean;
    cs: boolean;
    custom?: boolean;
    fullName: string;
    id: string;
    journal?: string;
    mod: number;
    name?: string;
    parentSkill?: SkillInfo;
    rank: number;
    rt: boolean;
    subSkills?: Record<string, SkillData>;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


ability: "str" | "dex" | "con" | "int" | "wis" | "cha"
acp: boolean

Whether Armor Check Penalty applies

background?: boolean

Whether or not this a background skill for the optional Background Skills rule

cs: boolean

Whether or not this is a class skill

custom?: boolean

Whether or not this is a custom skill

fullName: string

Skill's full name which include's parent's name if applicable e.g. Profession (Sailor)

id: string
journal?: string

Compendium UUID

mod: number


name?: string


parentSkill?: SkillInfo

Info for that parent skill, if this is a sub-skill

rank: number
rt: boolean

Requires training

subSkills?: Record<string, SkillData>