A single material type entry in the Materials registry.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



_id: string
addon: boolean

Is add-on material

allowed: {
    buckler: boolean;
    heavyArmor: boolean;
    heavyShield: boolean;
    lightArmor: boolean;
    lightBlade: boolean;
    lightShield: boolean;
    mediumArmor: boolean;
    oneHandBlade: boolean;
    rangedWeapon: boolean;
    towerShield: boolean;
    twoHandBlade: boolean;

What type of gear is this material allowed on?

armor: { acp: number; asf: number; maxDex: number }

Armor modifiers

baseMaterial: string[]

Materials this can be added on top of

dr: boolean

Is this valid for DR choices?

flags?: object
hardness: number
hardnessMultiplier: number
healthBonus: number
healthMultiplier: number
healthPerInch: number
incompatible: string[]

Explicit incompatible materials when not otherwise determinable

intrinsic: boolean

Is always available as base material

Such as wood.

masterwork: boolean

Is this material always masterworked?


name: string
namespace: string
price: {
    ammunition: number;
    enhancement: { weapon: number };
    heavyArmor: number;
    lightArmor: number;
    lightWeapon: number;
    mediumArmor: number;
    multiplier: number;
    oneHandWeapon: number;
    perPound: number;
    rangedOneHandWeapon: number;
    rangedTwoHandWeapon: number;
    shield: number;
    twoHandWeapon: number;

Price modifiers

primitive: boolean

Is primitive material

For example: bone, wood, or stone.

shield: { acp: number; asf: number; maxDex: number }

Shield modifiers

shortName?: string

Simpler name when such is known.

For example, "alchemical silver" is more commonly referred to simply as "silver"

treatedAs: string

Behaves for DR/ER exactly the same as another material.

For example, mithral counts as silver in all regards, there is nothing that has DR penetrated by mithral specifically.

weight: { bonusPerPound: number; multiplier: number }

Weight modifiers



  • Check if a given material is okay to be added to our materials list


    • item: ItemPF

      Whether we're checking weapons or equipment

    Returns boolean

    • Whether the material is allowed for the given item
  • Check if a given addon material is valid for the chosen material


    • material: string | ItemPF | Material

      Item, material, or material ID for which to test if this addon is valid.

    Returns null | boolean

    • Null if the provided parameter is invalid, boolean otherwise.
  • Returns {
        _id: any;
        addon: any;
        allowed: any;
        armor: any;
        baseMaterial: any;
        dr: any;
        flags: any;
        hardness: any;
        hardnessMultiplier: any;
        healthBonus: any;
        healthMultiplier: any;
        healthPerInch: any;
        incompatible: any;
        intrinsic: any;
        masterwork: any;
        name: any;
        namespace: any;
        price: any;
        primitive: any;
        shield: any;
        shortName: any;
        treatedAs: any;
        weight: any;