An Actor sheet for player character type actors in the PF system. Extends the base ActorSheetPF class.

Hierarchy (View Summary)






  • Parameters

    • object: ActorPF

      Some object or entity which is the target to be updated.

    • Optionaloptions: Partial<Options>

      Additional options which modify the rendering of the sheet. (default: {})

    Returns ActorSheetPFCharacter

    Foundry allows passing no value to the constructor at all.

  • Parameters

    • ...args: [ActorPF, Partial<Options>?]

    Returns ActorSheetPFCharacter


_activeEdits: Record<string, string> = {}
_commitItemUsesBound: (event: Event) => Promise<any> = ...

Type declaration

    • (event: Event): Promise<any>
    • Internal

      Commit changes from _setItemUses


      • event: Event

      Returns Promise<any>

_filters: Record<string, Record<string, Set<string>>> = ...

Track the set of item filters which are applied

effectiveSearch: {} = {}
searchCompositioning: boolean = false

Item search

searchDelay: number = 250
searchDelayEvent: null
searchRefresh: boolean = true
EDIT_TRACKING: string[] = ...

Which fields to track edits for



  • Parameters

    • event: DragEvent

      Drag start event

    • type:
          | "attack"
          | "bab"
          | "cmb"
          | "concentration"
          | "cl"
          | "defenses"
          | "initiative"
          | "abilityScore"
    • OptionalsubType: string

      Type specific subtype

    Returns void

  • Handle the final creation of dropped Item data on the Actor. This method is factored out to allow downstream classes the opportunity to override item creation behavior.


    • itemData: any

      The item data requested for creation

    Returns Promise<StoredDocument<Document<any, ActorPF, Metadata<any>>>[]>

  • Handle standard form submission steps


    • event: any

      The submit event which triggered this handler

    • __namedParameters: { preventClose?: boolean; preventRender?: boolean; updateData?: null } = {}

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise which resolves to the validated update data

  • Internal

    Insert a spell into the spellbook object when rendering the character sheet


    • data: object

      The Actor data being prepared

    • spells: any[]

      The spell data being prepared

    • bookKey: string

      The key of the spellbook being prepared

    Returns object

    • Spellbook data
  • Add some extra data when rendering the sheet to reduce the amount of logic required within the template.

    Returns Promise<
            actor: ActorPF;
            choices: {};
            config: config;
            cssClass: string;
            document: ActorPF;
            editable: boolean;
            effects: EmbeddedCollection<typeof ActiveEffect, ActorData>;
            hasHD: boolean;
            isCharacter: boolean;
            isGM: boolean;
            itemTypes: ItemTypesMap;
            limited: boolean;
            options: Options;
            owner: boolean;
            race: null | PropertiesToSource<ItemDataBaseProperties>;
            skillsLocked: boolean;
            sourceData: {};
            unchainedActions: unknown;
            units: {
                distance: {
                    overland: "PF1.Distance.miShort" | "PF1.Distance.kmShort";
                    tactical: "PF1.Distance.ftShort" | "PF1.Distance.mShort";
                weight: string;
            usesAnySpellbook: boolean;

  • Protected

    Toggle inline display of an item's summary/description by expanding or hiding info div


    • elem: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The element to open. Likely will have the item class in CSS.

    • Optionalinstant: boolean = {}

      Whether to instantly show the expansion (true), or animate it (false)

    Returns Promise<void>